Anti aging. Wrinkles and skin imperfection

As much as we try to escape it, aging is a fact of life. But it’s possible to have all the good things that come with having life experience  – greater wisdom, a sense of perspective, a sense of self — and not having to accept the less than lovely things it does to your looks. 

It is possible to turn back the clock and look younger with the right tools. Using a multifaceted, multidirectional approach based on each patient’s needs and desires. Modern cosmetic surgery offers a whole range of procedures that can improve the look of aging skin and restore a more youthful, fresh appearance. My patients  have access to the latest, most effective approaches to improve their appearance as I continually remain educated about the latest surgical techniques and
age-fighting technologies.
Aging starts as soon as we’re born, that even pristine baby skin is beginning its journey toward wrinkling. Skin continues to grow as we age, even as it breaks down at a cellular level. When the face ages, these changes are noticeable based on where the skin is attached and subsequently hangs. These changes are seen in the upper eyelids, as the skin descends to the eyelashes; on the lower lids, bags of fat fall forward and the skin grows. Along the jowl, skin descends from the cheek, while deep nasal folds occur alongside the mouth and nose. The neck skin descends from the jaw and back of neck forward.
There are myriad ways to address that natural loosening of the skin. Which solution will work for you depends on your comfort level, the degree of recovery time you’re willing to accept and the results you want. I don’t tell people what to do but rather, I give them options to choose.
People are somewhat intimidated by the idea of a facelift, but it’s the most effective procedure in terms of turning back the clock. However, there are several options that will improve the appearance of aging skin.
Procedures range from a classic facelift in which the excess skin all along the side of the face is removed and the skin tightened, to temporary injectables like Restylane and Juvederm, which fill in creases and last for about four to six months.
Even certain subtle aspects of the aging face can be treated. For example, as the face ages, the cheeks hollow. Fat from other areas of the body can be injected into the cheeks, restoring the youthful, full look. As lips lose their natural curvy pout with age, permanent injectables such as Alloderm are used to restore volume.
Eye lifts can range from a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat, eliminating the aging effect of puffy, tired-looking eyes, to CO2 laser resurfacing, which eliminates fine lines and restores a fresh look to the skin. A telltale sign of aging is the appearance of jowls, when the cheeks droop below the jawline. An S-lift, sometimes referred to as a mini-facelift or lifestyle lift, involves an incision around the ear (which reduces visible scarring) and tightens the drooping skin.
As young as the thirties, double chins can be a problem, making even very fit and slender people look heavy. Using a revolutionary, minimally invasive technique called SmartLipo-MPX, a laser beam is emitted which ruptures fat cells so that they can be easily drained away. SmartLipo can be performed under local anesthesia.
Of course, not everyone wants or needs a full surgical procedure. At Skin Deep Spa, procedures such as Thermage can produce amazing results with no incisions, anesthesia or downtime. With Thermage, the upper layers of the skin are protected with a chill tip in the handpiece while a radiofrequency waves heat the collagen in the middle layers of the skin, providing a tighter appearance. Over time, new collagen grows, making the skin look even younger.
Prevention is just as important as treatment in maintaining youthful, healthy skin. Skin Deep Spa offers a full line of the best anti-aging skin care products ( ), such as Kinerase, as well as state-of-the-art facials, microdermabrasion, and more.