Mommy Makeovers by Dr. Michael Gray
It’s been an impressive list of celebrities who have had babies so far this year. The list of new parents reads like a Who’s Who in Hollywood. Alec Baldwin’s wife Hilaria Baldwin delivered a new baby, as did Kate Middleton, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Simpson, Kim Kardashian and Kristen Bell. And if you take a look at these celebs post-baby photos in the gossip magazines you’d think they magically returned to their pre-pregnancy look immediately after leaving the hospital.
But not so quick! Remember that many hours of Photoshop magic are spent on making these women look perfect on the glossy pages of the magazine. Photoshop only works for printed images and not for real life when new moms head to the beach or swimming pool or just to the health club. After childbirth, many new mommies struggle with the changes their body underwent during the nine months of pregnancy. Proper nutrition and exercise will only get you so far because it’s a challenge to get your tummies, breasts and thighs to return to their pre-pregnancy shape. This challenge often causes many new mommies to lose self-esteem and become depressed.
Don’t worry though… there is a way for new moms to get back to looking great and feeling wonderful about how they look post-delivery. The breasts have changed and may now sag and the tummy isn’t as flat as it once was. Losing weight might be difficult, but losing that excess skin has proven impossible.
Dr. Michael Gray at the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan can help. Dr. Gray has been helping new mothers get a “Mommy Makeover” and begin to feel great about their bodies again. There are a number of proven procedures that Dr. Gray can perform that will help new mommies no longer look in envy at the photos in the magazines of these skinny celebrity mommies. Dr. Gray’s “Mommy Makeover” will help restore your shape and your feeling of confidence.
The procedure varies with such choices as breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. In these procedures Dr. Gray will help restore the right shape of your breasts and flatten your stomach. Additionally, excess skin can be eliminated.
Remember, when someone takes a photo of you after you’ve delivered your new bundle of joy they aren’t going to take the time to professionally alter and airbrush the photo like they do in Star, Sun or People magazines. So let Dr. Gray help you get back to your pre-pregnancy body today. Call him at the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa at 248-538-3333 and visit and see what Dr. Gray can do for you!