All you need to know about 2019 BBL Procedures (Fat Transfer)

If you have ever wanted to make your buttocks look fuller you may wish to consider having a Brazilian butt ‘lift’ . Although a Brazilian Butt ‘Lift’ does not actually LIFT the Buttocks.  The Lift is a misnomer. Brazilian But ‘Lift” or BBL or Fat Transfer FILLS the buttocks versus Lifting the Buttocks. A true lift involves an incision and resultant scar. This is a procedure that uses your own body fat to enlarge and shape your buttocks. With more than 320,0000 surgeries performed globally in 2015, the Brazilian butt lift has continued to be a popular surgical procedure. 

Brazilian But Lift
According to Dr. Gray (West Bloomfield, Michigan) there are several methods that can be used to obtain your best fat.  Dr. Gray states External Ultrasonic Lipo with the addition of Laser lipo (Smart-Lipo) is the most effective to remove fat from areas of your body that are resistant to diet and exercise.  These areas chosen to donate the fat for transferare chosen to provide longevity and shape to the buttocks as well. These areas can be any area of your body that you have found difficult reducing with diet and exercise.  These resistant fat cells are the best type of cells to transfer when you are considering a BBL. The fat that the surgeon removes from these areas is then implanted into your buttocks. There are specific areas of the body that not only donate fat but also improve the appearance of the Buttocks.  Thes area are the Hip, waist and sacrum. The outer thigh or ‘saddle bag’ is an additional area that some patients choose as well.

The Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift 

The benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift include:

  • A more youthful butt
  • A butt that looks more toned 
  • A figure that has better proportions or a curvier figure
  • More tightness or fullness in the butt 
  • More confidence

Please note, everyone has their own reasons for undergoing a BBL and results may vary. However, Dr, Gray (world renowned for his surgical expertise) is proud to offer you the best bbl surgery michigan has. Dr. Gray sees patients from all over the world and has been bringing smiles to many faces for years. Dr. Gray and His staff at the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa  have over two decades of experience in this industry and and can offer you recovery tips that are tailored to you and your needs. This is to ensure that you only get the very best out of your surgery. Trust, you are in good hands with Dr. Gray. 

How Safe is BBL Surgery?

While Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is a safe procedure, as with any surgery there are risks. There are always side effects associated with any surgery, of which BBL surgery is no exception. The most common side effects include:

  • Asymmetry
  • Bruising
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Pain
  • Swelling

Recovery is an individual process and recovery after a Brazilian Butt Lift is no exception. It is not  likely that you will have any issues after a BBL but following instructions is important.

Fat versus Sculptra

An alternative to transferring fat to the buttocks is Sculptra.  For those who do not have any fat to transfer and gaining weight is not an option Sculptra may be your best bet.  Dr. Gray can sit with you and review your best options.

Safer Than Butt Implants 

 Butt implants are not considered to be as safe as BBL surgery. This is because implants can affect the nerves in your legs, flip, turn hard and uncomfortable and have the highest risk of infection. Silicone injections that are considered to be dangerous and are banned in many countries including the USA. 

Am I a Good Candidate for BBL Surgery?

If you in desire of better shape to  your buttocks then you are a candidate for BBL. 

If you have any questions about BBL  or you would like to undergo a BBL procedure please contact Dr. Gray at 248-538-3333 or visit today. Dr. Gray looks forward to hearing from you.


October 3, 2019 Blog