9 Key Things to Consider Before Getting a Facelift or a Necklift

9 Key Things to Consider Before Getting a Facelift or a Necklift
With Dr. Michael W. Gray from Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center

Facelifts and Necklifts are some of the most popular and sought after cosmetic procedures. With a 92% “Worth It“ Rating according to Real Self. A Facelift and a Necklift are done to improve the normal aging process of the face and neck, while restoring the youthful appearance of one’s self. 

We understand how important it is for you to achieve natural, beautiful looking results. However, before deciding to undergo facelift surgery, there are several things that Dr. Gray suggests you should consider. Here, we will discuss the top 9 key things that you should keep in mind before getting a facelift.

Health Considerations

Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is essential to consider your overall health. You should be in good physical and mental health and should not have any underlying medical conditions that could affect your facelift recovery or increase your risk of complications. Be sure to discuss your medical history with your family Doctor and cosmetic surgeon, including any medications or supplements you are taking. Smoking, vaping, hookah or any form of nicotine or smoke inhalation should be stopped 6-8 weeks prior to a facelift. 

Your Age

Realistically, age is not an important factor to consider when deciding to undergo a Facelift or Necklift procedure whether in Michigan or flying to see Dr. Gray from around or out of the country. What Dr. Gray feels is important is that you are selecting the correct procedure that “solves” the problem you have. If you suffer from poor shape and angles of the neck and jawline, excess skin or fat, a facelift, Necklift or Neck Sling may be right for you. When young, Dr. Gray explains, you are not as likely to have excess skin but you may have poor shape either due to poor positioning of structures of your neck, laxity of muscles, fat or a combination of issues. Younger individuals may opt for Dr. Gray’s Neck Sling while older individuals may gravitate toward a necklift or facelift. Generally, individuals who fix issues they have earlier in life, will have more time to enjoy Dr. Gray’s work. However, there is no strict age limit for any procedure. Dr. Gray also wants to remind us, “Not everyone picks the BEST procedure. They pick what they wish to do!”

Having Realistic Expectations

Dr. Gray has developed unique techniques to produce a more defined “Hi Def” face and neck without creating a pulled or distorted look. Dr. Gray reminds us that “you can not achieve more results in one part of the face by distorting another“. It’s essential to have realistic expectations about what a facelift can and can not do. A facelift can improve the appearance of sagging skin, droopiness, and with Dr. Gray’s technique provide the best shape. Neither a Face lift nor a neck lift treat wrinkles nor do either restore volume. Dr. Gray states “he can turns back the clock, but then it ticks forward again”. A cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Gray, can help you understand what results you can expect from the procedure.

The Different Types of Facelifts

There are different types of Face and Neck procedures that we offer depending on your aesthetic goals:

  • A Facelift, also known as the traditional facelift, is actually a Jawline Facelift which focuses on improving the the Jowls and the neck. Dr. Gray also reduces the fat in the neck while changing the shape of the neck and creating a more define jawline and better angles of the neck. Many people have called Dr. Gray‘s Facelift a “Hi Def” Facelift. Incisions are hidden in the natural folds of the face in front and behind the ear and hairline. Dr. Michael W. Gray, DO from Michigan Cosmetic Surgery  center and Skin Deep Spa, performs this procedure while maintaining a natural look. 
  • Mini Facelift, is a less invasive surgical procedure compared to the a facelift. A Mini Facelift addresses the jowls only. It lifts the skin off the jowls and tightens the cheek muscles. Since it’s less invasive, the recovery time is shorter compared to the Jawline facelift.
  • Neck Sling is another less invasive procedure that reduces the fat in the neck while also redefining the structure and shape of the neck to provide a more defined look. This procedure is best for individuals who are concerned about the shape and profile of the jawline and neck who would not benefit from liposuction alone. This procedure can reduce the slight laxity of skin that may be forming as well. 
  • Non-surgical Facelift includes the Liquid Facelift as well as devices that heat the skin causing a “shrink wrap” effect. Liquid Facelift involves using fillers to restore volume to the cheeks, defining the jawline while rejuvenating the rest of the face, reducing nasal folds and marionettes. There is no recovery time needed although slight bruising is possible but rare. Non-surgical skin tightening also has no recovery time and heating skin can be combined with threads. Threads are known as the Thread lift. 

While all of these Facelift, Neck Lift, Neck Sling procedures surgical or nonsurgical interventions from Dr. Gray in Michigan deliver incredible results, you should discuss the pros and cons of each type of each procedure with Dr. Michael W. Gray to determine which procedure is best for you. What you ultimately decide is based on your goals and facial anatomy.

To see Facelift before and after pictures, visit our gallery: https://anewyou.com/face-lift-gallery/

Facelift Recovery Time

Lift recovery times varies depending on the type of procedure (jawline facelift, neck lift, neck sling, mini facelift, non-surgical facelift, liquid facelift, thread lift) and the individual’s healing process. Most patients can be in the public within a week, return to work and normal activities within one week for non strenuous jobs and three weeks if strenuous jobs and for full activity. To learn more about recovery, feel free to reach out to Dr. Gray at 248-538-3333.

Be Patient with your Final Results

Even though you will love your Facelift, Necklift, Neck Sling, or other procedures provided by Dr. Gray, it will take time  until you get to see the final outcome. Keep in mind that your face just went through a procedure, so it will need time to heal up. Being patient and understanding how the whole procedure works will give you peace of mind and allow you to trust the process. With Dr. Michael Gray, you are in excellent hands.

Facelift Scars

Facelift scars are a  concern for many patients. Rest assured, scars fade over time, and Dr. Gray places the scar in a way that naturally camouflage their presence. To improve healing, Dr. Gray developed TheraSCAR, which delivers superior results compared to products currently available. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Gray’s unique High Definition Facelift technique, go here —> https://anewyou.com/2022/11/17/high-definition-facelift-in-michigan-with-dr-michael-gray/

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Choosing the right cosmetic surgeon is crucial for achieving the best results from your facelift. Read reviews, check out Facelift before and after pictures, and visit their website. That’s where Dr. Gray shines! Dr. Gray is a member of The American Academy Cosmetic Surgery, The American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, The American Osteopathic Association and the Michigan Osteopathic Medical Association. If you want one of the top surgeons in the nation to deliver an outstanding experience and results, Dr. Gray is the way to go.

How Much is a Facelift?

The cost of a facelift can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, the surgeon’s experience, skill, credibility, and the location of the surgery center. Be sure to discuss the cost of the procedure, including any associated fees or expenses with your cosmetic surgeon during your consultation. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Gray from West Bloomfield, Michigan, visit https://anewyou.com/contact/

Remember, getting a facial procedure is a big decision that requires careful consideration. By keeping these 9 things in mind you can make an informed decision about whether a facelift is the right choice for you. If you have any questions or concerns about facelifts or any other cosmetic procedures, don’t hesitate to consult with Dr. Michael Gray from Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center by giving us a call at 248-538-3333.