Do I have to be afraid of my Breast Implants?

All implants are made of materials that are invisible to the body and are non-reactive. All implants are made of materials that are non-immunoreactive

Then if this is true, how do you explain mold or infections?

There exists many different types and many forms of living organisms in this universe. In fact there are some creatures that are so small that you can barely even see them with the most powerful of all microscopes… the electron microscope!

This telescope can see ( magnify )microscopic particles, hence micro-scope. While the smallest objects that your unaided eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. The light microscope can magnify small objects for you up to 1000 times their original size. The electron microscope can increase magnification another 1000-fold! That is one million magnification. The most powerful electron microscopes allow us to see objects as small as an atom!

In the course of evolution with genetic selection the living organisms will move toward species that will be more fit than prior generations. Evolution ensures the survivability of superior generations of species while the species that are unable to survive disappear. Some of these living organisms have developed abilities to remain dormant until conditions exist in their environment that their survivability would be ensured. Bacteria, yeast (mold) and viruses are capable of dormancy.

All living organisms need to eat. Imagine being eaten by a large organism? An example of this would be being bit by a bear. Of course common sense would tell us that this would hurt. Now, imagine a creature so small that you can not see it but still tries to bite you. Would that hurt as well? An infection is when you are being eaten! A contamination is when the organism is there but not bothering you.

To understand, an infection (whether by a virus, a bacterium or mold) by single celled microscopic organisms is still a process where you are being eaten and that hurts! The most common Infections are by Bacteria. A pimple is an infection where the bacterium is eating your skin. That is why pimples hurt!

The operating room in a true surgical facility has filtration systems where the air that enters the operating room is extensively filtered where no dust, bacteria or mold or viruses are present in the air. This is one of the many processes that prevents infections. In addition to this, Strict sterilization of instruments, sterilization of medication and implants are performed. Preop antibiotics and prepping of the patient’s skin with chemicals that kill pathogenic organisms are used.

Doctors and ancillary staff clean and scrub themselves with these chemicals as well and cover themselves in sterile attire to barricade any organisms that may be present under the sterile garb.

If these processes are followed then how would an infection occur?
One way an infection can occur is when the patient contaminates themselves. Once a patient leaves the care of the physician they enter a world of danger. Patients are unaware that these invisible organisms exist everywhere in the universe. Proper hand sanitizing prior to touching any wound or incision is extremely important.

A second possibility but unlikely, is the failure in the sterilization process. Failure of sterilization with instruments and implants are improbable due to the presence of multiple levels of safeguards such as many indicators that sterilization is complete and successful. These include color indicators on and within the packages that turn color on sterilization. Spore testing in which live attenuated non pathogenic bacterial spores are placed into the sterilizing units and when removed placed in culture medium to see if they grow. No growth indicates death to the organism and that the sterilization process is working. Temperature and pressure indicators also monitor sterilizers with each use.

Break in sterile Field: The failure of sterile barrier between Medical
Personnel and the patient and the patient to themselves is a very low and unlikely cause.

Operating Room: as discussed above true operating facilities have in place extensive filtration systems to eliminate these micro organisms from the air in the operating room. If a physician is in a facility lacking these systems an infection by these microorganisms can occur.

In order for any organism to gain a foothold the organism would have to be introduced either before ( unlikely ) , during ( possible but not as likely ) , or after ( probable ) the procedure. These microorganisms are pandemic to our universe. These organisms are in the air we breathe and the what we touch. They are on the handle to a door, on a coffee cup and on the newspaper you are reading. These organisms can be introduced into the body by breathing, eating, drinking or through a break in your skin at any point in time.

Once these organisms enter your body they can travel in the blood stream to any foreign object in your body ( ie breast implants, heart valves, prosthetic joints, et al). In order to kill these micro-organisms the antibiotic or anti fungal will need to be delivered to the pathogen that is invading your body. To be delivered a blood supply is mandatory for this delivery. Your blood vessels are the roads which allow the blood to deliver these drugs.

Living tissue has a blood supply while implants do not. The infecting invading pathogen will never see an antibiotic nor an Anti fungal once that pathogen reaches and lands upon an implant. Because implants are not alive they do not have a blood supply therefore, the drug that would kill the organism is never delivered. The treatment ultimately becomes removal of the implant. Living tissue that remains has a blood supply so any pathogen left behind would be eliminated if a proper medication is provided. Replacement of the implant can occur safely no sooner than three months after removal.

Eating, breathing and even Brushing and flossing your teeth can cause malignant pathogenic micro organisms access to your body which can enter your blood stream and can infect implants (ie a heart valve or prosthetic knee). Although these occurrences happen in the world of what we see in medicine, these infections are extremely rare. The implant is not food and does not harbor mold ( yeast ) , bacteria nor viruses.
This fear is unwarranted.

The proper understanding of what exists and maintaining appropriate preventative measures keep these risks of infections low. That’s why following the rules, adhering to instructions and being vigilant in adhering to strict protocols keeps us safe.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Gray call 248-538-3333 or visit