
Compression or No compression…tis the question???

Most physicians will do as they been shown and are unlikely to change their ways, nor think outside the box. This is called: See one, Do one, Teach one learning. There is rarely an “explain one” in the process of training due to how busy it is in most hospitals. […]

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Hour Glass Tuck Overview

Hour Glass Tuck™ Overview: The current techniques of tummy tucks (Abdominoplasty) do not generate the results needed to decrease the protrusion of the abdomen and provide optimal results for patients who seek a flatter and tighter tummy. Dr. Gray, for over sixteen years, has been performing a new type of tummy tuck […]

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Skin is the largest organ of the body. The purpose of skin is to keep the body covered keeping the “IN” in and the “OUT” out. Skin is similar to a fine coat of Armor protecting valuable assets. Just one small tear in the skin can make a big difference […]

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Do I Need a Breast Lift?

Dr. Michael W. Gray, a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon (West Bloomfield, Michigan) was asked this very question. “Many women are confused as to whether or not they ‘need’ a lift. First of all, No one ever has to get a lift unless they want a lift! Many women think they need […]

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Do I have to be afraid of my Breast Implants?

All implants are made of materials that are invisible to the body and are non-reactive. All implants are made of materials that are non-immunoreactive (Which means in layman terms: THEY DO NOT CAUSE IMMUNE DEFICIENCY NOR CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS). Then if this is true, how do you explain mold or […]

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Endoscopic Breast Augmentation in Michigan

EndoBAM is an acronym for Endoscopic Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty and is the endoscopic surgery to enlarge the size of the breast(s). Endoscopic literally means a surgery or procedure performed by the use of an endoscope, which is an instrument for visualizing the interior of the body. Think of an endoscope […]

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Sarah Silverman’s Breast Implants and Insightful Take on Cosmetic Surgery

Actress and comedian Sarah Silverman, renowned for her sharp wit, shared her thoughts on cosmetic surgery in a Glamour magazine interview. She humorously remarked, “I know, aging is like a really slow-moving horror movie, especially for women. But the lines on our faces are valuable.” This comment from Silverman, who […]

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Vain? Nonsense We Say!

Cosmetic surgery has never been as popular as it is right now in the 21st century. And for good reason. Thanks to the amazing advancements in technology, cosmetic surgery is safe and effective. The bottom line is that cosmetic surgery works and the recovery time is quicker than ever before. […]

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Golden Globes Reveal Hot Trend of the Side Boob

Everyone is talking about Sunday night’s broadcast of the Golden Globe Awards and it’s not because of the winners and losers. This year boobs seem to be on everyone’s mind as several actresses showcased their impressive Hollywood bodies in beautiful revealing dresses. The Golden Globes did not always garner this […]

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The Future is Here: Advancements in Cosmetic Surgery

Think about all of the technology changes around you. In your pocket is a telephone that is also a camera, a datebook, a music player and a video game console. We’re living in the future. An episode of the “Jetsons” cartoon or the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” now seem […]

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Aging Is Natural, But There Are Options

In the famous 1991 movie City Slickers, Billy Crystal’s character laments about the aging process to a class of school children: “Value this time in your life kids, because this is the time in your life when you still have your choices, and it goes by so quickly. When you’re […]

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Yes, You Can Do This!

Most people want to look better and that is a very normal feeling to have about your outward appearance. After all, studies have shown that when we humans are satisfied with our physical appearance, our mental state improves. Unfortunately, too many people procrastinate the wonders of cosmetic surgery. There are […]

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