Breast Enlargement

Dr. Gray: Pioneer of the Endoscopic Breast Augmentation

Dr. Gray: Pioneer of the Endoscopic Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States. Sometimes referred to as “breast aug” or “boob job”, it involves transferring fat or using breast implants to increase the size of the breasts. While there are many different techniques for performing breast augmentation, today […]

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Filling Out That Fall Sweater and Looking Sexy with a Breast Lift or Breast Enlargement

It is a common myth that breast lift and breast enlargement procedures are just for the summer. Dr. Michael W. Gray, at his Michigan-based cosmetic surgery center, often hears, “Most women think about bikinis at the beach in July and want to impress their boyfriends, husbands, and friends with beautiful […]

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